John’s Exoneration

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 “I’m not the sort to back away from a fight. I don’t believe in shrinking from anything. It’s not my speed. I’m a guy who meets adversities head on.” – John Wayne.


Courage. Resiliency. We loved it in John Wayne, Sylvester Stalone and Gary Cooper in “High Noon.” We’ve seen it in Nelson Mandela, Ronald Reagan, Lincoln, Washington and Martin Luther King. Today, like his morals or not, we see it in Trump, who is constantly, brutally attacked but never shrinking—counter-punching in return.

I was elected by you to get into the ring and fight for state’s rights and individual liberty. Before my hands were set, I took a sucker punch that knocked me down, but I got up. My politically manufactured case was resolved the American way, bare knuckles in the ring, like an attorney general should like it. I won back my honor, and I’m coming back to fix things that are broken.

Now that I’m on my feet, dusted off, with a complete acquittal under my belt, you deserve to hear from me directly that I am and always have been innocent of any wrongdoing, including matters of ethics. Yes, after my resounding exoneration by a jury, my ethics were judged by the Utah State Bar. After their review of all evidence from all investigations, I received the letter available for download on this page which conclusively vindicates my ethics. After that, the state paid my damages for their error. It doesn’t get any more emphatic than that.

Some like the appearance of a man who has never been knocked down. But America and Utah were not settled in silk skirts and tuxedos. They were forged the hard way, by rugged patriots and pioneers in home-spun clothes, who could take a punch, throw a punch, then if needed drag the bully to his feet and hit him again. 

So how was your then newly-elected attorney general, who had overwhelmingly defeated Sean Reyes, brutally accused of criminal conduct without evidence of even an ethical violation? I was repeatedly falsely attacked and defamed, as conservatives Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Judge Roy Moore of Alabama, and our President were attacked, by political villains and I can prove that as well. Such incendiary tactics left unchecked, will destroy conservatives and our liberties. We cannot allow that to happen!

Today we are fighting once again for keeps, with our liberties and independence on the line.  Look at my Plan--look at my track-record as a respected, hard-fighting state’s rights conservative. I will not back away or shrink. I will never stop punching for our liberties.